Exemple d’article de blog avec un titre sur plusieurs lignes n°2

Sous titre 2
30 mai 2021

I have worked in international settings during my entire career, setting up companies, subsidiaries and distributors in countries such as Japan, Germany, France and the US.

I fluently speak the language of each of these countries, have lived their and know very well their culture, giving me a lead over others. And helping me in better understand the cultural difference of their needs.

Exemple d'article de blog avec un titre sur plusieurs lignes n°1

Sous categorie
30 mai 2021

I have created and developed websolutions and websites for the past 30 years, for both business to business and business to consumer needs, for small and large companies.

I managed projects using state of the art project management methodology, and having designed and developed application myself, I understand the bells and whistles of successfully delivering a solution.